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August 01, 2024

Lab Grown vs Natural Diamond: Everything You Need To Know

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December 4th, 2023 / Alese Oldenburg

The creation process is one of the primary differences between lab-grown and natural diamonds. Natural diamonds are formed deep within the earth over billions of years under extreme heat and pressure, then brought to the surface through volcanic activity. On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment using high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods, which replicate the natural diamond-growing process. This process can take only a few weeks to months, making it significantly quicker than the natural formation. While both are genuine diamonds in terms of physical properties and composition, their origins, price, and environmental impacts significantly differ.

Lab-Grown Diamonds: Benefits

Lab-grown diamonds, also known as man-made or synthetic diamonds, have various benefits. From their ethical production to their affordability, they present a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to natural diamonds without compromising on quality or brilliance. Since they are created in a controlled environment, the issues of conflict mining and labor exploitation associated with some natural diamond mining are completely avoided. This means that customers can enjoy the beauty and prestige of diamonds with peace of mind, knowing that their purchase isn’t contributing to environmental damage or human rights violations. Another added benefit is the control over the diamond-making process. Unlike with natural diamonds, lab technicians can regulate the growing conditions of lab-grown diamonds, ensuring optimal clarity, color, and cut. This level of control allows for the production of diamonds that can meet the highest standards of quality.

Lab-Grown vs Natural Diamonds

While it is nearly impossible to distinguish between lab grown and natural diamonds with the naked eye, expert gemologists are able to discern their differences through careful analysis using specialized tools and equipment. This is often done by examining the types and patterns of inclusions present in the diamond. Lab grown diamonds tend to have unique inclusions that are not typically found in natural diamonds due to the different conditions in which they are formed.

Moreover, each type of diamond may have distinct growth patterns that can also serve as identifying factors. For example, lab-grown diamonds might show certain colors or strata that are characteristic of the high-pressure, high-temperature or chemical vapor deposition methods used in their creation. These subtle distinctions, although invisible to an untrained eye, offer valuable insight into a diamond’s provenance for experts in the field. Therefore, when purchasing a lab diamond from Diamond Nexus, rest assured that its origins have been thoroughly verified by professionals.

Mined Diamonds: Benefits

Mined diamonds, often referred to as natural diamonds, are undeniably products of an incredible geological journey. Created over billions of years deep within the Earth’s mantle, these precious stones have captivated our imaginations for centuries. However, in the light of modern knowledge and technological advancements, it’s worth reevaluating the supposed benefits of mined diamonds.

In today’s world, we are more connected than ever, and our decisions carry wider implications, from the environmental to the socio-economic. The diamond mining industry has long been associated with significant ecological damage and, in some cases, social injustices. From extensive land degradation to the displacement of local communities, the hidden costs of natural diamonds extend beyond their price tags.

On the other hand, lab grown diamonds, a feat of human ingenuity, are not only physically and optically identical to mined diamonds but also carry none of these detrimental impacts. Modern technological advancements have made it possible to recreate the conditions under which diamonds form in nature, producing gemstones that share the same chemical composition, physical properties, and beauty as their natural counterparts.

Moreover, by choosing lab grown diamond jewelry, consumers make a conscious decision to support a more sustainable and ethical diamond industry. Lab created diamonds eliminate the need for environmentally damaging mining practices and ensure a transparent, conflict-free origin.

So while the allure of a billion-year-old natural diamond may seem appealing to some, we must question whether the cost to our planet and our fellow human beings justifies it. In contrast, every lab grown diamond from Diamond Nexus represents not only a symbol of love and commitment but also a step towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

Lab Diamonds vs Natural: Cost

Lab grown diamonds typically cost about 60-80% less than mined diamonds. This can vary depending on factors such as the size, cut, color, and clarity of the diamond, but in general, lab-grown diamonds offer considerable savings.

Let’s take a concrete example. For a high-quality, one-carat round diamond, you might expect to pay around $3,000 for a lab grown version, whereas a similar mined diamond could cost upwards of $15,000 or more. This illustrates the potential for significant savings when choosing lab-grown diamonds. But remember, it’s not just about the lower cost; it’s also about the ethical and sustainable benefits of choosing lab-grown over mined.

By choosing a lab grown diamond, you’re investing not only in a beautiful piece of jewelry but also in a product that promotes ethical labor practices and sustainability. Despite the cost savings, you’re not sacrificing the quality or beauty of your diamond. With lab-grown diamonds, you can enjoy the sparkle and allure of a high-quality diamond while also supporting a more sustainable and ethical jewelry industry.

Mined Diamonds vs Lab Grown: Worth

The value of a diamond is often subjective, depending on factors like rarity, demand, and personal preference. While it’s true that natural diamonds have traditionally commanded higher prices due to factors such as perceived rarity and established market structures, the landscape is evolving as awareness about ethical and environmental considerations grows.

Lab grown diamonds, due to their identical physical properties and visual appearance to mined diamonds, can offer an equally stunning centerpiece for any piece of jewelry. Additionally, they reflect a conscious choice to prioritize ethical sourcing and environmental sustainability, considerations that are becoming more of a concern every day. 

From this perspective, lab-grown diamonds may hold greater value to many buyers, aligning with their personal values without compromising on the beauty or quality of their jewelry. In the end, the “worth” of a diamond is more than just its price tag—it’s about the meaning behind it, the processes involved in its creation, and how it aligns with the wearer’s values.

Lab-Grown Diamonds: Cons

Considering the numerous benefits lab grown diamonds bring, it’s crucial to reframe our understanding of any perceived drawbacks. Indeed, some individuals might initially lean towards natural diamonds due to their longstanding presence in the market and the allure of their geological journey. Yet, it’s important to note that these aspects do not enhance the physical qualities or visual appeal of the diamond itself.

When we weigh these factors against the ethical, environmental, and economic benefits of lab created diamonds, it becomes apparent that the scales tip heavily in favor of the latter. Lab-grown diamonds offer identical brilliance, durability, and visual appearance as their mined counterparts, but without the high environmental cost and potential for supporting harmful labor practices.

Moreover, man made diamonds also allow for greater accessibility, due to their more affordable pricing. This democratizes the diamond industry, allowing more people to enjoy the beauty of these gemstones without breaking the bank. Therefore, while it’s important to acknowledge varying perspectives, the so-called “cons” of lab-grown diamonds can actually be seen as strong points in their favor when we consider the bigger picture.

Lab vs Mined Diamond Jewelry

When it comes to aesthetics, lab-grown and natural diamond jewelry are indistinguishable. They offer the same stunning brilliance, durability, and class that has made diamond jewelry so coveted throughout the ages. In fact, the quality of lab-grown diamonds can be superior, as the controlled conditions of their creation often result in fewer inclusions and defects compared to naturally formed diamonds.

However, a key distinction arises in the significant cost savings that lab-grown diamond jewelry provides. With lab grown diamonds being up to 80% less expensive than natural diamonds, consumers can enjoy the luxury and prestige of diamond jewelry without the steep price tag.

Lab and Mined Diamond Jewelry: Difference

Lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds are so alike that even professional jewelers often can’t differentiate between them without the aid of specialized testing equipment. Both lab-grown and natural diamonds share the same chemical composition and crystal structure, leading to identical physical and optical properties. This means they have the same hardness, refractive index, and sparkle, presenting an identical appearance to the naked eye. So, whether you’re wearing a lab-grown diamond wedding band or a piece adorned with a natural diamond, you can rest assured that the aesthetic appeal, the sparkle, and the admiration it attracts will be indistinguishable.

Do Lab Grown Diamonds Pass A Diamond Tester?

Yes, lab grown diamonds can pass a diamond test with flying colors, reflecting their authenticity and matching qualities to their naturally mined counterparts. Diamond testers are designed to recognize the specific physical and chemical properties inherent to diamonds—characteristics that lab grown diamonds mirror due to their identical composition.

To put it into a real-world scenario, suppose you take your lab grown diamond engagement ring to a jeweler at the mall for testing. You can rest assured that your diamond will pass the test, displaying the same properties as a mined diamond. A lab-created diamond, due to its identical composition, will respond to these tests just as a mined diamond would, thereby confirming its authenticity as a true diamond. So whether you’re shopping for a lab grown or a natural diamond, you can have complete confidence in its verified status as a genuine diamond.

Yes, lab grown diamonds can pass a diamond test with flying colors. Lab-grown diamonds not only look like natural diamonds, but they also share identical physical and chemical attributes. 

Imagine this scenario: you’ve purchased a lab-grown diamond engagement ring and you decide to get it tested at your local mall’s jewelry store. As the jeweler uses the diamond tester on your lab-grown diamond engagement ring. The tester, designed to detect the unique qualities of diamonds, will affirm the authenticity of your lab-grown diamond. This is due to the diamond’s identical composition to a mined diamond, a testament to the wonders of growing diamonds in a lab.

Ultimately, whether you’re considering a lab-grown diamond or a naturally mined one, you can move forward with confidence. The assurance lies in the fact that a lab-grown diamond, just like its natural counterpart, is a genuine diamond, validated by science and industry standards.